General Discussion
May 01, 2010 at 6:30 pm
Hmong Minnesota Senior Center
Maplewood, Minnesota
Meeting Minutes:
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss, review and to collect information regarding to Txwj Zaaj Hawj’s Genealogy, which comprised of the following topics.
- Project Committee
- Review Ancestry Software Template
- Family Data Collection
- Books and DVDs
- Project Starting Date and Deadline
The meeting was initiated and called to order by Txawj Thaaj Hawj. There was no attendance or sign-in sheet. However, the following family members were present at the meeting: yawm Teeb Hawj, Thaaj Yeeb Hawj, Txawj Taaj Hawj, Txwj Zaaj Hawj (jr), Tooj Nchai Hawj, Xeeb Hawj, Peej Hawj, Tsaav Kuam Hawj, Ntsuab Vaaj Hawj, Nyaj Laag Hawj, Vaam Txab Hawj, Fuam Vaam Hawj and Dr. Nyaj Zeb Hawj.
The Ancestry Template was submitted by Ntxoov Lwm Hawj via email from Milwaukee, WI to be review and approve. The template was approved by the family members presented at this meeting. It will be use for future data collection that will be implementing into a web base family tree. A sample ancestry template is attached to the meeting minutes.
Data collection of family members requires that each individual should provide his/her name, date of birth and a picture.* It is optional for individuals to list their educational level, professional background, specialties, talents, and skills, etc. All data collection should contain parents, children and their spouses if any. It is optional and/or limited for families to add the spouses of their daughters to the Txwj Zaaj Hawj lineage. For instance, they may add the daughter’s spouse but not their children.
After all data are collected and implemented into the web base family tree, books and DVDs will be publish for all family members at a later date. Books will be updated every five years and DVDs will be updated yearly. All web base family data will be updated yearly and according to family inquires.
Three committees in three different locations consisting of two to three individuals were appointed to carry out the project. The object of the committees is to distribute data collecting forms, collect, organize and submit forms to Ancestry Project Manager Ntxoov Lwm Hawj for data entry and processing. Appointed committees members are:
- Wisconsin: Ntxoov Lwm Hawj and Ntsab Npis Hawj
- Minnesota: Dr. Nyaj Zeb Hawj, Xeeb Hawj, and Sab Hawj
- California: Txhaj Nruag Hawj, Npuag Zoov Hawj, and Soob Yeeg Hawj
The starting date for data collection is set for June 01, 2010. All forms must be ready and distribute to all family members across the US. To ensure project progress, a deadline for all data collection submitting to all committees is to be completed by September 30, 2010.
The next meeting is yet to be assign by the committee members. Official meeting adjourn at 9:30 pm.
Unofficial discussion via phone 05/03/2010 @ 10:15 pm between Ntxoov Lwm Hawj and Dr. Nyaj Zeb Hawj:
There were four issues or concerns discussed.
Ntxoov Lwm Hawj stated that there is an annual fee to run and maintain the genealogy web site. The approximate cost is $150.00 per year. He is not sure of the exact cost but will check back with Dr. Nyaj Zeb Hawj on a later date. He also forwarded a question for consideration: Who should be liable for the annual fee, and how should it be shared by those who are in responsible?
He raised a concern regarding how the names should be written on the family ancestry web site. Should the names be written in only English or only Hmong and/ or both and to what level of consistency should the names be kept?
He also mentioned that there was a missing field on the Ancestry template. He will update the Date of Death on the template and email it to Dr. Nyaj Zeb Hawj.
He suggested that all data entry, updates and maintenance should be performed via locations of the three committees whom have access to internet genealogy files.
Ntxoov Lwm Hawj proposed that these issues should be put forward to discussion on the next committees and/or family meeting.